
The main goal of the Institutional Effectiveness Office (IEO) is to assist the Universidad Central del Caribe community in the development of an institutional assessment culture. The IEO is key in the implementation of the comprehensive Institutional Effectiveness Program (IEP). This program not only structures the academic, research, and services assessment activities but also extends the scope to include the academic and administrative support activities. The specific objectives of the IEP are: to (1) determine institutional strengths and weaknesses, (2) monitor the institutional effectiveness indicators, (3) implement a continuous improvement process, and (4) improve the utilization of institutional resources.
The IEO has engaged in several academic research initiatives that convey UCC’s current concerns and achievements towards academic enhancements and effectiveness.
Institutional Effectiveness Office Personnel
Prof. Yari M. Marrero
Institutional Effectiveness Office Director
Maritza Morales
Evaluation Officer
ext. 2324