
Terms and Conditions

Make a Report


The Universidad Central del Caribe (UCC) recognizes its obligation to its students, faculty, staff and the community to maintain the highest ethical standards. To facilitate this process the UCC has chosen to provide you with an anonymous way to report activities that may be violations of the University policies or rules and regulations. Additionally, you may report positive experiences that have contributed to your academic learning environment at the UCC.


Misuse of research funds, scientific misconduct/falsification of results/plagiarism, intellectual property concerns, conflict of interest, human subjects protection concerns, animal subjects protection concerns, private/confidential research data, other.

Human subjects protection concerns

Violation of laws or policies relating to research involving human beings. Examples include failure to obtain appropriate approval from the Institutional Review Board, failure to adhere to research protocols, not obtaining informed consent, failure to promptly report adverse reactions.

Intellectual property concerns

Violation of laws or policies relating to confidential materials, copyrights, patents, invention disclosures, or other intellectual property.

Scientific misconduct/falsification of results/plagiarism

The fabrication or falsification of data, research procedures, or data analysis; destruction of data for fraudulent purposes; plagiarism; abuse of confidentiality; or other fraudulent actions in proposing, performing, reviewing, or reporting the results of research or other scholarly activity.

Property, Facilities and Equipment

Theft, misuse/ misappropriation of property or equipment, technology and computer abuses, other.

Technology and computer abuses

Misuse of UCC technology resources. Examples include violation of University policies and procedures related to harassment, plagiarism, commercial use, security, and unethical conduct, and laws prohibiting theft, copyright and licensing infringement, unlawful intrusions, and data privacy laws.


The act of stealing; specifically: the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.

Health and Safety

Unsafe activities/behavior, unsafe facilities, laboratories, residence halls, campus security concerns, food services, illegal drugs, alcohol, or controlled substances, materials or chemical safety concerns, environmental concerns, threats/violence, other.

Campus security concerns

Campus security concerns includes any event or condition, which poses a threat to the safety or welfare of any member of the University community. Examples include failure to abide by University security polices, unauthorized access to non-public areas, lost or stolen keys, attempts to defeat University security systems, broken or defective security systems.

Environmental concerns

Any concerns about activities or circumstances that violate local, state or federal environmental protection laws, including any known or suspected illegal pollution or contamination of the environment by University activities.

Healthcare Services

Any concern relating to services provided by your campus Health Service.

Illegal drugs, alcohol, or controlled substances

Any unauthorized or unlawful possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs or alcohol by an employee or student on any University campus or facility or as part of the University’s activities, and any unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of controlled substances in the work and study place.

Materials or chemical safety concerns

Unsafe actions relating to the procurement, use, handling, storage, transportation, disposal or recycling of chemicals or hazardous materials.

Threats/ Violence

Threats, intimidation or other misconduct, which poses a threat to the safety of any member of the University community.

Unsafe activities/ Behavior

Any actions by University employees, students, contractors, or guests which create an unsafe work, teaching or research environment, including activities that may violate any law or regulation regarding workplace safety.

Unsafe facilities, laboratories, residence halls

Any situation in any University building or facility that poses an unreasonable threat to the welfare of the University community, including concerns about fire, safety and building codes, OSHA, and lab safety standards.

Student Concerns

Actions of University faculty or staff; University facilities for students, other student concerns.

Actions of University faculty or staff; University facilities for students

Any concerns about misconduct involving University faculty, staff, volunteers, or other representatives; any other concerns about the safety of University facilities used by students.

Other concerns

Any other concern about misconduct, unlawful activities, or violation of University policies or procedures.

If you have any knowledge about a misconduct, please let us know by clicking here